How To Use Skype (in either studio)

Why Use Skype?

A great way to add variety and interest to your radio show is to interview people relevant to your genre or show topic. At WRUW, you can interview people in two ways.

First, you can use the Telos phone interface and conduct the call over traditional phone lines. Click here for instructions for making Telos calls.

Second, you can conduct a “Skype call” with your guest. Skype is an internet-based phone service used by millions of people as an alternative to long-distance phone calls. If you use Skype to “call” someone who also has Skype, the call is FREE.

Skype has made it possible for people to connect with each other (by audio and webcam) anywhere in the world at no charge.

In general, the audio quality of a Skype-to-Skype call will surpass that of a regular phone call. If the internet traffic speeds are good, and your guest has a reasonable microphone, it will sound like your guest is right in the studio sitting next to you.

Your Required Legal Disclaimers When Using Skype

The makers of Skype allow the software to be used in broadcast situations as long as appropriate credit is given during the broadcast.  (Click here for Skype's full Broadcast Terms of Service.)

This acknowledging use of Skype is like WRUW's underwriting. We receive something of value, the software, in return for making a simple announcement.

As long as we acknowledge the use of the software and don't say anything promotional or comparative, we're fine.

Here are some general guidelines for making appropriate credit and disclaimers during a Skype broadcast:

1. At the beginning of your interview, say something like:

  • “<name> joins us using Skype”
  • “<name> joins us by Skype from <location>”. This one is great when your guest is joining you from another country or state. (For example: “John Doe joins us by Skype from his studio in Oslo, Norway. John, welcome to our show.”)
  • "We reached <name> by Skype." 
  • Or anything similar that acknowledges the use of Skype for the broadcast.

2. Similar announcements are required every 15 minutes during the broadcast.

3. An announcement is required at the end of the broadcast/interview, such as:

  • “Thank you, <name> for joining us on Skype, today …” or
  • “<name>, I want to thank you for joining us on Skype for today’s show.”
  • “Our guest has been <name>, joining us by Skype from <location>.”
  • Or anything similar that acknowledges the use of Skype for the broadcast.

Step 1. Sign into Skype

WRUW has a Skype account that can be used for Skype-to-Skype calls only. If you would like to use WRUW’s account, simply contact the Technical Director ([email protected]) for the login information.

On the other hand, if you have your own Skype account, you can simply sign in with your own Skype login credentials.

(Skype is FREE ... so if you plan to do a lot of Skype calls, sign up for your own account.  Anyone can get a free Skype account to make Skype-to-Skype calls from any computer.)

If this is your first time logging into Skype ... VERIFY THE AUDIO SETTINGS. 


In Skype, go to the Tools menu, and choose Options

In the Options box, choose "Audio Settings" as shown in the graphic below. 

The Microphone setting should be Livewire In 06If it is not that setting, change it to Livewire In 06

The Speakers setting should be Livewire Out 06If it is not that setting, change it to Livewire Out 06

skype settings


Step 2. Put Skype on a Fader on the Axia Console

Although Skype runs through the studio computer, the audio output of Skype cannot be heard through the “Computer” channel of the console. We wanted to avoid any interference with audio out from WaveCart or other computer sources, so we made Skype available as an optional source on any fader of the Axia console.

The choice of where Skype appears on the console is completely up to you.  Therefore, you need to pick a channel on the console where you want Skype to appear.

Channel 14 is a good option (typically the “Effects” or “Live Mix” channel depending on the studio location). Or, if you don’t use one of the Turntables, then you can override either of those channels with the Skype channel. Again, the choice is completely up to you.


Step 3. Make a Skype Call

To learn how to use Skype properly, please see the instructional videos at

Make a call to the "Skype Call Testing Service" to verify all equipment is working correctly.

At WRUW, you speak to your Skype guest using Mic 1.

You hear your Skype guest back through the console on the channel you picked in Step 2 above.


Step 4: Speak to Your Skype Guest “Off Mic”

As we all know, when we talk to our listeners “on air”, we press the ON button for the Mic and we start to talk. When we press the OFF button, our listeners cannot hear us speaking because we are “off air”.

However when it comes to Skype, your Skype guests will ALWAYS hear you whether or not the Mic is turned ON or OFF on the console. In other words, your Skype guest(s) will hear you as if there is a hidden microphone in the studio.

They will hear you speaking to them, to other people in the studio, they will hear the music you’re playing, they will hear you answer the phone, they will hear you preview other music.

We did this so that you can easily talk to your Skype guests “off air” (Mic button OFF) between songs to coordinate further conversations when you are back “on air” (Mic button ON).

All you have to do to carry on a conversation with your Skype guest “off air” is press the “Preview” button for your chosen Skype channel. This action will immediately take the Skype channel “off air”. Speak to your Skype guest by talking into Mic 1 (with the button OFF), and you will hear the person respond through the Preview speakers!

When you are “on air” (MIC is ON) and talking to your Skype guest, your Skype guest will hear everything you are broadcasting. You can play music and the guest will hear it.

You can take calls through the Telos phone interface and have people talk to the Skype guest. You can even have other people on Skype join into the conversation.

How to Record a Skype Call

In Studio B, you can record your Skype call to Adobe Audition, just as if you were recording any other production work. So, you can “pre-produce” your interview for playback at any time.

Ending Your Skype Call

When you are done with your Skype call, remember to SIGN OUT of your account.
(That was big on purpose.)

Simply closing the Skype window will NOT sign you out of your account.

In Skype, go to the Skype menu, and select Sign Out. THEN, you can close the Skype window.

We hope you enjoy using Skype at WRUW! If you have any questions about the operation of Skype, please contact the Tech Crew at [email protected]!

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2013-01-24 00:32:42
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